Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a Perfect Statement of Work (SOW)
A vital tool in contract negotiations, the Sow enables contractors to comprehend and reach an agreement. It defines the level of performance necessary to meet the project's goals. The Sow includes performance, quality, effort level, pricing, and the clarity of the parts or services up for bid. However, a high-level, unclear statement of work (sow) won't cut it in a world where projects can go wrong and destroy value. It will take more than an agreement to get there, even in the best-case situation when your project achieves the anticipated benefits on schedule and within budget. Why? Because things will change as your project develops. Given the significant influence that Sows have on the processes, this blog will address five typical errors that arise while drafting an SOW. The most common errors in Sow Make sure you understand the work required before accepting an assignment. This includes thoroughly reading and going over the statement of work. The following are som...